Wednesday, February 8, 2012

French Tea and Toast for Valentine's Day - (Thé et de pain grillé français)

How about French Tea and Toast for your Valentine's Breakfast?

How about serving him/her breakfast in bed?

A Valentine's Day breakfast of tea and toast is a special and easy way to start your Valentine's morning and win you big points at the same time!

This breakfast tray can be set the night before and the following morning you simply prepare the Thé et de pain grillé.  I've used French Mariage Freres Thé (tea), La Perruche morceau de sucre (sugar cubes), Bonne Maman framboise préserve (raspberry preserves), and French pain Batard  (Batard bread - a country style French bread.) If you feel industrious, you can add a boiled egg, yogurt, or anything else your Valentine enjoys.

If the tray above is a little too fussy for you, how about a simpler breakfast tray?

Or, if the idea of a set tray is just too much for you, how about simply serving your Valentine a cup of coffee or tea in bed. The purpose is to serve, surprise and honor your Valentine. How you tell them "You are special!" may vary - the point is that you do so!

Au revoir, Mitty

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