Thursday, April 7, 2011

Shopping List for Provence Buying Trip - Tresor #2 Vintage Leather Bound Books

Treasure ("Tresor" in French) #2 - Vintage Leather Bound Books

Leather Books - "Livres en cuir"

I'm always on the lookout for vintage leather books.  I don't care in what language they are written.  I just love the look, feel and even the smell of them. Especially pleasing is the warmth of the leather and the gold lettering on the binding.  I have leather books in almost every room in my home and can never collect enough.  I love the texture that they add to any tabletop.  I wonder how many hands have held them and how many people have become lost in the words held within.

When we moved into our new "Faux French Chateau" in Fort Worth, TX, in a moment of weakness that I am certain to always regret, I agreed to allow a large, flat screen TV to be hung over our beautiful mantle.  Boy, was I silly.  What was I thinking? For months I tried to figure out what I could put on the mantle that would not, heaven forbid, obstruct the TV but add texture and warmth.  I tried so many different decorative items, none of them ever looking the way I wanted.  Finally, guess what worked............yes you know it...........books, lots and lots of leather books.  I then added some blue and white pottery and greenery.  It is not ideal, there is still a big, ugly TV above my mantle, but now it is at least somewhat pleasing.

Mantle with vintage leather books, blue and white and greenery.

If you look above the blue and white you can see a bit of the ugly.....

By the way, if anyone has a creative way of disguising a wall mounted TV, please feel free to share. Better yet, can't Samsung or Sony make a TV with a Faux oil painting and gilded frame that covers the screen when not in use????? 

Au revoir, Mitty

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